Image 1
In order for this photograph to be a fair representation of diversity and people of different genders within DeVry University, I removed the woman in the middle of the photograph. I replaced her with a male from a stock image.
Original Image

I searched through stock images to find a male with a graduation cap and gown who was looking in the correct direction. I cut this man out from his original photo and added him into the new image.
New Stock Photo

In Photoshop, I cut out the woman in the middle of the first photograph using the pen tool and various masking techniques. I replaced her with the stock photo of the male. I stitched out the background where parts of her were still visible and meticulously removed parts that were touching parts of the woman's face on the right.
The lighting of the stock photo did not match the new one, so I adjusted the highlights and shadows, hues, and tones to make the new image seamless. For the finishing touches, I changed the color of the diploma ribbon to gold, matching DeVry University's brand identity.
Before & After


Final Edited Image

Image 2

I adjusted each graduate's spacing in Photoshop, individually cutting them out and making them appear closer together in a tighter-looking photograph for Keller Graduate School of Management.
Before & After

Final Edited Image